Setting up a Coti Testnet Node with Docker

Geordie R
Nov 6, 2020

Setting up a Coti Testnet Node has never been so easy. With Wolf’s Coti Testnet Node Guide showing you how to install a testnet node on the native vps, below you now have the option to do this in a container with Docker.

Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I’d like you to open the wolf guide in a separate tab and complete steps 1 through to and including 7 before coming back here and continuing, by following the rest of the instructions below.

Coti Docker Instructions

For the most up-to-date instructions, see the github here:

You will be given code to run after logging in as root user.


Coming soon will be a quick video on how to install coti testnet node with docker! Check back in a few weeks! Alternatively if you need any advice please get in touch on Discord so that we can all help you:


Telegram DM:


Thanks to Winston Wolf for the original native guide which has served so many. Also thanks to Coti, particularly Eli for the docker files, support and patience to help make this possible.

Keep supporting me by sending your native transactions through the Geordie R node. This is a free way to support me! See the image below.



Geordie R

Passionate about blockchain, banter and the whole crypto space.